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Record Library
The record library is an online repository of thousands of city records. There are two search types
available: basic and advanced. Use the basic search for very broad searches on specific words or
phrases. The advanced search should be used for more detailed searching which includes record category
and date ranges. Results are displayed and ordered by search relevance. Once the desired record has been located it can be downloaded.
Record Category
The search features allow you to search the entire record repository. For more
specific record searching use the Advanced Search feature to search for particular record
types. Here is a list of the record categories currently available in the record
- Agenda and Meeting Materials:This category contains the agenda packages and
meeting material of the City Council, and various City boards, committee, commissions
governed by the Ralph M. Brown Act.
- Resolutions: This category contains resolutions passed by the Sacramento City
Council, Redevelopment Agency, Housing Authority, and Financing Authority from 1921
– present.
- Ordinances: This category contains ordinances passed by the Sacramento
City Council from 1921 – present.
- Minutes: This category contains the meeting minutes of the Sacramento
City Council, and various City boards, committees, commission governed by the
Ralph M. Brown Act. City Council minutes are complete from 1921 – present.
- Budget Documents: This category contains various budget records from 1922 –
- Building Permits: This category contains building permit cards from the very early 1900's -1982.
Recent Changes or Additions
Law & Legislation Committee 11152022 PRESENTATION Item 07 2022-01855 Outdoor Interactive Digital Media Display Policy - Status Update
Agenda Report ,
907717K ,
11/21/2022 9:21:39 AM,
Law & Legislation Committee PRESENTATION Item 06 2022-01836 Ordinance Amending Section 15.24.030 and Adding Sections 15.24.040 and 15.24.050 to the City Code
Agenda Report ,
302551K ,
11/21/2022 9:27:51 AM,
Law and Legislation Committee 09202022 Presentation Item 5 2022-01620 Ordinance Deleting Chapter 15.30 & Amending Chapter 15.38 of Sacramento City Code to Adopt Local Amendments to CA Building Standards Code, Relating to New Building Electrification
Agenda Report ,
671462K ,
10/3/2022 4:11:09 PM,
Law and Legislation Committee 09202022 Presentation Item 04 2022-01448 Dual Plumbing Ordinance - Proposed Framework
Agenda Report ,
355763K ,
9/23/2022 2:43:38 PM,
Law & Legislation Committee 08302022 PRESENTATION 1 Item 2 2022-01523 Workshop on Cannabis Onsite Consumption
Agenda Report ,
710154K ,
9/1/2022 5:11:55 PM,
Law & Legislation Committee 08302022 PRESENTATION 2 Item 2 2022-01523 Workshop on Cannabis Onsite Consumption
Agenda Report ,
563240K ,
9/1/2022 5:11:57 PM,
Law & Legislation Committee 08162022 PRESENTATION Item 4 2022-01260 New Building Electrification Ordinance - Proposed Framework
Agenda Report ,
686607K ,
8/29/2022 8:57:58 AM,
Law and Leg Committee 07192022 Item 04 2022-01264 Presentation Onsite Water Reuse and Dual Plumbing Study- Findings and Preliminary Recommendations
Agenda Report ,
1597706K ,
7/19/2022 4:48:53 PM,
Law and Legislation Committee 06212022 Item 06 2022-01224 Ordinance Amending Chapter 12.24 of the Sacramento City Code Related to Sidewalk Obstructions FINAL CORRESPONDENCE
Agenda Report ,
363809K ,
6/28/2022 4:34:28 PM,
Law and Legislation Committee 06212022 Item 07 2022-00544 An Ordinance Repealing Ordinance No. 2021-0034 and Adopting a Military Equipment Use Policy - FINAL CORRESPONDENCE
Agenda Report ,
1041857K ,
6/28/2022 4:47:51 PM,